As sports fans, especially of the marathon, the events in Boston saddened and shocked us. Our thoughts are with all those runners, spectators, supporters, and others who were affected by this act of violence.
Yesterday, our race report was submitted to our email subscription service hours before the bomb blasts occurred. By the time we heard the news, the emails had already been delivered to many of your inboxes. What is normally entirely appropriate language to describe the race development suddenly became entirely inappropriate after the events at the finish, and many of you wrote to us wondering how we could get it so wrong.
It was unfortunate timing on top of already sad and unfortunate events at the race. Had we been able to stop the delivery of the post via email, we would have, however regrettably the emails had already been delivered and read.
Our apologies for what seemed like insensitive language in the race report. We hope you understand we were not being insensitive, and that the post was written and published well before the events of the day.
A historical marathon has been marred by the actions of the perpetrators, but, as passionate fans and believers in the power of sport, we are fully confident that the spirit of the race and the marathon will continue to unite and inspire.
Thank you as always for your kind support, and please continue to join us in extending our sympathies and condolences to everyone caught up in this terrible sequence of events.
Jonathan Dugas & Ross Tucker
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